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Navigating Hospice ADRs

Medicare’s Additional Documentation Requests (ADRs) may seem scary and can be a hassle to navigate, but they’re also a great opportunity to ensure and showcase your hospice agency’s awesome care and compliance. By staying organized and with a few simple tips, your agency can easily handle ADRs. What are ADRs? Medicare uses ADRs to double-check…

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HIS Part 2: Ensuring Accurate HIS Submissions

In our previous HIS informational post we focused on the best practice of confirming the uploaded file was marked successfully completed rather than relying on upload accepted as completed status. In addition to confirming that the submission is marked completed, there are certain severe yet common errors which will only appear in the CASPER Final…

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HIS Upload Accepted vs. Submission Completion

Submitting your Hospice Item Set (HIS) form is critical to your hospice agency’s financial health. CMS will not proactively notify your agency that records have been rejected until they send a bill for up to 4% of your claims revenue. It is a vital best practice after uploading your HIS zip file click the Submission…

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Hospice Tools EMR Awarded “CHAP VERIFIED” Seal

CHAP: COMMUNITY HEALTH ACCREDITATION PARTNER AWARDS HOSPICE TOOLS EMR “CHAP VERIFIED” STATUS. Skokie, IL., September 08, 2022 – CHAP is pleased to announce that Hospice Tools EMR has achieved CHAP Verified status, granted to tools and resources used by community-based care providers that, through rigorous inspection, show no roadblocks to executing the CHAP Standards of…

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Diversity and Inclusion in Hospice

From our deep experience in hospice – from both the provider side and now on the side of delivering hospice software and services to local independent agencies across America, hospice agencies are built by people who are professional, altruistic, caring, and compassionate. When we talk about diversity and inclusion, especially in hospice, it’s easy for…

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Medical Benefits of Hospice

“Money! Are you freaking kidding me?!? All hospice is is a greedy money making killing machine! Nice tools you have here to streamline the death of loved ones! Not once did I read where you acknowledge that you are putting souls into eternity! God help us!” While many people are scared of hospice and don’t…

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Hospice Forms Library & Charting Checklists

Hospice Tools flex-forms library has virtually all the hospice charting documentation forms your agency needs – from admission orders through your final bereavement discharge summary. The forms flow automatically to your timesheets, HIS, show trend histories within documents, and are customizable to match your workflows. Paper forms, such as benefit elections, are easily transformed into…

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CAHPS Education: Hospice Discharge & Revocation

The Hospice CHAPS Education edition of valuable insights by our own hospice & palliative professionals covers the following CAHPS survey question: Discharge from Hospice Q: What are the three reasons a hospice may discharge a patient? 1. The patient moves out of the hospices service area or transfers to another hospice. Examples of moving out…

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Hospice Staff Retention: Patient Care, CHAPS & More. Part 1. Alignment

Staff retention is an issue across all businesses. In healthcare however, and especially in hospice, keeping your team members is not just difficult, but is crucial to the fundamental purposes of your company. The ability to keep your team members long term affects patient care, referrals, chaps reporting, and much more. 7 Elements of Staff…

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Hospice Patients, 911 & Hospitals

Hospice & Hospital Fast Facts 1 out of every 5 hospice patients unenrolls from the hospice program. 25% of hospice patients that left the hospice program, or 6.7% of hospice admissions, resulted in hospitalization. Roughly 300,000 hospice patients unenroll of which over 100,000 hospice patients leave the program for hospitalization. The majority of these patients,…

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